Florida Flight Physical

Flight Physicals In Florida

By loretta June 11, 2018

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has certain physical and mental health requirements for pilots to obtain and/or maintain a valid Medical Certificate.  In order to comply with the guidelines, pilots must obtain a medical certificate from a physician designated as an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) that recognizes the satisfactory physical and mental health of the individual.  All individuals acting as pilot-in-command must meet minimal safety standards and obtain a medical certificate granted upon successful medical examination.  In addition, certain crew members and student pilots must undergo the same process.  Occasionally employers require employees to hold a valid Airman Medical Certificate for positions within the FAA such as air traffic controllers.  Dr. Scott Redrick of Crystal River, Florida is an Aviation Medical Examiner and is qualified to administer flight physicals for all classes.

There are three classes of medical certifications for airmen and pilots should apply for the most applicable certification according to their flying activities.  Scott Redrick, MD is credentialed to perform Class I, Class II, Class III, and BasicMed flight physicals.  For Class I, II, and III each individual must begin the flight physical process by completing the FAA MedXpress application which can be accessed by following this link…https://medxpress.faa.gov/medxpress/.  The MedXpress application is completed and submitted electronically and is available to AME’s at the time of examination.  For airmen who desire a BasicMed physical follow this link…https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/airmen_certification/basic_med/.

Dr. Redrick of Florida Flight Physical in Crystal River, FL is a board certified physician and is credentialed as an Aviation Medical Examiner and is also a pilot.  Dr. Redrick has been fascinated by airplanes since childhood and earned his pilots license at the age of eighteen at the Crystal River Airport through Crystal Aero Group.  When he received his medical degree, it was only natural that he become a designated Aviation Medical Examiner and pursuing dual passions.  Florida Flight Physical is located within Dr. Redrick’s private practice at 582 S.E. 7th Ave, Crystal River, FL.  New patients from the aviation community in Florida are always welcome!  We offer complimentary transportation service from Captain Tom Davis field in Crystal River, FL (KCGC) to our office which is located just minutes from the field.  Appointments are available at (352)564-8245


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